eISSN 2353-8414, 2019, Vol. 32, Issue 2

Investigating process maturity modeling as an advertising process improvement paradigm

Dr. Daniel Adrian Doss
University of West Alabama, USA

Dr. Russ Henley
University of West Alabama, USA

Qiuqi Hong, MBA
Guangzhou College of Technology and Business, International Educational College, Guangdzu,
Guangdong, Chiny

Trey Pickett, MBA
University of West Alabama, USA

DOI: 10.2478/minib-2019-0019
Kontakt: adoss(at), rhenley(at), hongqiuqi(at), pickettc3946(at)
MINIB, 2019, Vol. 32, Issue 2


This article examined a variant of the Capability Maturity Model integrated (CMMi) through the lens of advertising process improvement. The population and sample were taken from a national array of U.S. marketing organizations. Using ANOVA, a 0.05 significance level, and a stratification of service marketing organizations versus product marketing organizations, the study showed a statistically significant difference (F(1, 304) = 4.03; p = 0.04; ω2 = 0.00) regarding the hypothesis representing the notion that processes were potentially sporadic, chaotic, and ad hoc. This notion corresponded to the first maturity level of the examined process maturity framework. With respect to the Likert-scale data representing the first maturity level, the successive means analysis showed that both service marketing firms (M = 2.99) and product marketing firms (M = 2.74) reported neutrality regarding whether processes were deemed sporadic, chaotic, and ad hoc. Thus, the respondents perceived no evidence of the first maturity level among the queried work settings. Future studies may examine different stratifications of marketing firms (e.g., for-profit versus non-profit; domestic versus international; and so on) to better explore the proposed advertising maturity model.

Outdoor advertising as an element strengthening the recruitment campaigns of universities

mgr Helena Rachwał
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa, Polska

DOI: 10.2478/minib-2019-0020
Kontakt:helena.rachwal(at), helena.rachwal(at)
MINIB, 2019, Vol. 32, Issue 2


The article puts forward the thesis that outdoor advertising is an important element that enriches college recruitment campaigns if it meets certain conditions. The basic factors determining the effectiveness of outdoor is the conciseness and simplicity of the message, the creation taking into account the proper character of the advertisement and referring to the emotions of the recipient, the composition based on the appropriate arrangement of elements, intriguing advertising text forcing the recipient to think, integrate outdoor communication with the internet transmission and the correct location of the advertising medium. The subject of outdoor advertising and its impact on candidates for studies is omitted in the literature on marketing activities of tertiare education institutions. Therefore, it was attempted to fill the cognitive gap by referring to foreign scientific research and examples of outdoor applications by universities in the United States of America and Great Britain. Also described are outdoor campaigns of the SWPS University, which cooperates with the Cityboard Media Institute in the field of external advertising research. In order to analyze outdoor polish universities, the article uses part of the photographic material collected by the author, and reflects on the basis of their own observations and in-depth interviews with employees of Marketing Departments of selected universities.

How can we attract and keep young talents in the science sector? Work satisfaction and the inclination to change your workplace

dr Marzena Feldy
Ośrodek Przetwarzania Informacji – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Laboratorium Analiz Statystycznych i Ewaluacji, Polska

DOI: 10.2478/minib-2019-0021
Kontakt: Marzena.Feldy(at)
MINIB, 2019, Vol. 32, Issue 2


Gradually dropping number of working age people, dropping rate of unemployment and continuously growing number of job vacancies, which remain open for a longer time, lead to a situation in which more and more often in the context of Poland people say the market belongs to the employee. What doesn’t alleviate the situation is the arrival of a new generation, the so-called millennials, on the market. Millennials differ from earlier generations both in terms of their characteristics and expectations with regard to their workplace.

The fact that over a half of scientists below the age of 35 employed in national scientific institutions consider changing their work, makes it necessary to focus more on employees’ needs. The goal of this article is highlighting the aspects of work which make it possible to young scientists to achieve satisfaction from professional sphere of life and thus could prevent their outflow from the sector of science.

In 2017 OPI PIB carried out a survey on a representative sample of scientific employees, which included 264 respondents born after 1981. The collected empirical materials allowed the author to analyze the expectations of young people from the sector of science with regard to their workplace. The assessments of scientists who consider changing their employer with the assessments of people who don’t have such plans have been compared.

The conducted survey leads to the conclusion that young people should above all be given the opportunity to develop and work towards achieving their own scientific aspirations. It is also necessary to guarantee the feeling of stability of employment and satisfactory remuneration. What also turns out to be significant is the organization of space, as well as providing flexible work conditions and recognition from the superiors.

Satisfying at least some of the highlighted proposals won’t be possible without introducing systemic changes. Failure to intervene in such a way will lead to a situation in which the national sector of science will in the nearest years be gradually losing valuable employees, which will be migrating to the company sector and foreign scientific institutions.

Marketing for science based organizations – perspectives and questions

prof. William Bradley Zehner II, Jacquelyn Anne Zehner

DOI: 10.2478/minib-2019-0022
Kontakt: wbzehner(at), jazehner(at)
MINIB, 2019, Vol. 32, Issue 2


Marketing dla organizacji badawczych i naukowych jest złożony i niezbyt dobrze zrozumiały, szczególnie dla środowisk badawczych, naukowych i technicznych. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia koncepcyjne ramy dla naukowców w organizacjach badawczych i naukowych, które pozwalają im myśleć o funkcjach marketingowych
i sprzedażowych ich organizacji oraz związanych z nimi procesach. NASA, jedna z najbardziej udanych organizacji badawczych na świecie, która umieściła dwóch amerykańskich astronautów na księżycu w ciągu około 8 lat, nie ma długiej historii badań.

Rola organizacji badawczych i naukowych XXI wieku w tworzeniu dobrobytu społecznego, organizacyjnego i indywidualnego jest badana w ramach konceptualnych procesu tworzenia dobrobytu wirtualnego. Badane są dwie formy wewnętrznego konfliktu kulturowego w organizacji: zewnętrzne konflikty kulturowe pomiędzy potencjalnymi klientami i organizacją technologiczną oraz wewnętrzny konflikt pomiędzy naukowcami i menedżerami ekonomicznymi. Marketing strategiczny jest adresowany i obejmuje potrzeby rynku, segmentację rynku, wybór rynku docelowego oraz pozycję organizacji w stosunku do rynku docelowego i konkurencji. Wyodrębniono marketing taktyczny (sprzedaż AKA) i jego elementy — produkt, cenę, promocję, dystrybucję fizyczną, a co najważniejsze — personel. Podkreśla się integrację wszystkich elementów marketingu strategicznego i taktycznego w spójną całość. Dodatkowo stawia się kilka pytań marketingowych
i sprzedażowych, aby ułatwić samoocenę organizacji badawczych i technologicznych.

Building a strategy for the development of a university using the methodology of strategic sessions on the example of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź

dr Piotr Mikosik
Wyższa Szkoła Menedżerska w Warszawie, Polska

DOI: 10.2478/minib-2019-0023
Kontakt: piotr.mikosik(at)
MINIB, 2019, Vol. 32, Issue 2


The aim of the article is to present the methodology of building an organization strategy which the author has been working on for 8 years.. Although the article is based on the case study of the Academy of Fine Arts (ASP) in Łódź, in which the author conducted a series of strategic sessions, the methodology itself is universal and can be successfully applied both in enterprises, non-profit organizations and offices. The size of the organization or industry is also irrelevant. The author applied the described method in international corporations, no-profit organizations as well as kindergartens whose teams worked on the concept of development of their organizations.

The article presents a full process of creating a strategy, however, due to the limit of pages imposed by the publishing house, only selected methods used during strategic sessions are described.

Associations with the university as an employer in the years 2016-2019 – young potential employees perspective

prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Izabela Baruk
Politechnika Łódzka, Wydział Zarządzania i Inżynierii Produkcji, Katedra Systemów Zarządzania i Innowacji, Zakład Innowacji i Marketingu, Polska
JEL kod: M31; M54

DOI: 10.2478/minib-2019-0024
Kontakt: agnieszka.baruk(at)
MINIB, 2019, Vol. 32, Issue 2


The article is theoretical and empirical. To prepare the theoretical part, the method of cognitive-critical analysis of world literature in the field of management, personal marketing, etc. was applied. Based on the results of this analysis, it can be concluded that there is a cognitive and research gap relating to research on universities as employers. This applies especially to associations of young potential employees with this group of employers. Therefore, the article aims to achieve the goal, which is to identify associations of young potential employees with the university as a workplace and indicate the changes taking place in them. In order to achieve this goal, three editions of empirical research were conducted, using the survey method to collect primary data.

The collected data were subjected to quantitative analysis using statistical analysis methods. Its results indicate that there has been a slight improvement in terms of associations of respondents with the university as a workplace. Still, however, more than half of the respondents did not take into account taking up employment in such institutions. Therefore, it is still not an attractive employer for young Poles, which indicates the need to undertake comprehensive activities related to building a positive image as an employer.

Evaluation of the marketing communication of scientific units in the context of cooperation with the sector of small and medium enterprises in Lodz region

dr Sławomir Milczarek,
Marvec Consulting, Łódź, Polska

dr hab. inż. Magdalena Grębosz-Krawczyk,
prof. PŁ, Politechnika Łódzka, Wydział Zarządzania i Inżynierii Produkcji, Polska

DOI: 10.2478/minib-2019-0025
Kontakt: slawomir.milczarek(at), magdalena.grebosz(at)
MINIB, 2019, Vol. 32, Issue 2


An essential role in the constant overcoming of barriers as well as in the development of cooperation on the line “science-business” is played by proper marketing communication carried out by scientific units, being the party initiating the commercialization processes. The aim of the article is to evaluate selected aspects of marketing communication carried out by scientific units during cooperation with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) representing the smart specializations of the Lodz region. The article discusses the results of research carried out in the second and third quarter of 2018, based on the method of indirect communication with respondents, using a questionnaire among the representatives of companies belonging to the smart specializations of the Lodz region. The research results prove that scientific units do not use the available spectrum of marketing communication tools in cooperation with companies and do not use the language of market benefits in the description of knowledge being the subject of commercialization. The majority of respondents are convinced that the level of use of online communication tools by scientific units is low and medium, which automatically transfers into lowering its perception as innovative partners. On the other hand, in the opinion of the surveyed companies, the use of the possibilities created by the Internet Web 2.0 era by scientific units in marketing communication, can positively affect their image in the business environment.

Understanding factors influencing consumers online purchase intention via mobile app: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, system quality, information quality, and service quality

Markun Hanjaya, S.T., Kenny, S.Kom., Freddy Gunawan, S.S.

DOI: 10.2478/minib-2019-0026
Kontakt: markun.hanjaya(at), kennywijaya92(at),
MINIB, 2019, Vol. 32, Issue 2


The development of technology has been significantly give the implication towards consumer’s behaviour in having the online purchase intention via mobile app that has been developed by the e-commerce company to serve better and deliver a better service to the consumers; especially when internet has connected people through their smartphones. The insignificant growth in doing the online purchase via mobile app which does not go along with the growth of internet mobile users in Indonesia and Singapore will deliver this study in order to evaluate and validate the implication of ease of use, usefulness, system quality, information quality, and service quality towards consumer’s behaviour in having the online purchase intention via mobile app. Data was gathered with survey by spreading 100 questionnaires randomly to the respondents who had the experience in doing the online purchase via mobile app in the last 6 months in Indonesia and Singapore. The methodology in doing this study is the quantitative approach by considering the connection amongst the independent variables and the dependent variables. This research found that usefulness and information quality significantly affect the online purchase intention through mobile app in Indonesia while in Singapore ease of use, usefulness, and service quality significantly affect the online purchase intention through mobile app.

The reasons of lack of polish young potential employees’ interest in universities as employers in the context of perception of people working in these organizations

prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Izabela Baruk, dr Anna Goliszek

ORCID: 0000-0003-2864-509X, JEL kod: M31; M54
DOI: 10.2478/minib-2019-0025

Kontakt: slawomir.milczarek(at), magdalena.grebosz(at)
MINIB, 2019, Vol. 32, Issue 2


The article has a theoretical and empirical character. Identifying the internal structure of reasons of lack of Polish young potential employees’ interest in universities as employers was the main goal of this paper. To prepare its theoretical part the method of cognitive-critical analysis of world literature on marketing and management was applied. The results of this analysis show that the aspects connected with the mentioned reasons have not been studied yet. The more the opinions about the way of perception of universities’ employees in the comparison of other organizations’ employees have not been taken into account in the analysis. So one can talk about the existence of a cognitive gap and an empirical gap in this scope. Striving to reduce these gaps the empirical studies were conducted. The research covered representatives of Polish young potential employees. Gathered primary data were statistically analysed applying the following research methods and tests: exploratory factor analysis and Kruskal-Wallis test. The results of these analyses show that the opinions on relative perception of universities’ employees decide about differences in the structure of reasons of lack of interest in universities as employers. But the mentioned opinions are the element differentiating in a statistically significant way only one reason.

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