eISSN 2353-8414, 2020, Vol. 38, Issue 4

Spis treści:
- Badanie wstępne nad przeciążeniem informacyjnym w wyniku wyszukiwania informacji oraz śledzenia informacji
He Tingting, - Wielkość i dynamika krajowych wydatków na badania i rozwój w Unii Europejskiej
Baruk Jerzy, - Wpływ potencjału kompetencyjnego zmian w szkolnictwie wyższym na szkolenie specjalistów dla przedsiębiorczości
Achkasova Svitlana, Pyvovarov Vasyl, Us Maryna, Vnukova Nataliya, - Instrumenty zarządzania przyszłością
Yudina Nataliya, - Dyskusyjne kwestie wartości osobistych w kontekście harmonizacji standardów edukacyjnych Ukrainy i UE
Shulhina Liudmyla, Zhaldak Hanna, - Postawy konsumentów wobec innowacyjnej żywności z uwzględnieniem produktów funkcjonalnych — implikacje dla komunikacji marketingowej w zakresie oświadczeń żywieniowych i zdrowotnych
Czarnecki Jacek, Gutowska Krystyna, - Ewolucja roli form komunikacji marketingowej w oddziaływaniu na zachowania zakupowe konsumentów na podstawie wyników badań ankietowych w latach 1995–2018
Mazurek-Łopacińska Krystyna,
Badanie wstępne nad przeciążeniem informacyjnym w wyniku wyszukiwania informacji oraz śledzenia informacji
Tingting He, PhD
Governors State University, College of Business, Division of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship
1 University Pkwy, University Park, IL 60484, USA | ORCID 0000-0003-1679-9956
The major objective of this research is to test if two types of information overload are different: Information overload from searching for the information someone needs to search, and information overload from following all the information someone needs to follow. These two types of information overload may be labelled information search overload and information follow overload, corresponding to the concepts of information search and information follow. Using the data of a survey from a sample of about 1600 respondents across 50 states in the United States, the research identified 2 items corresponding to information search overload and information follow overload, and ran analyses including correlation and logistic regression with the 2 items separately as the dependent variables, and with some other items about consumers’ activities involving information as independent variables. Results of the various analyses suggest that information search overload and information follow overload are different, especially in terms of how they associate with different variables of consumer activities involving information, therefore indicate as a preliminary research that we may separate the two types of information overload in our future research.
Wielkość i dynamika krajowych wydatków na badania i rozwój w Unii Europejskiej
Jerzy Baruk, PhD, Eng.
Retired research and teaching staff member of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Management
Pl. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 5, 20-031 Lublin, Poland z ORCID 0000-0002-7515-0535
In the article, whose construction is of theoretical and empirical nature, the author attempted to achieve thefollowing objectives: 1) identification and critical assessment of expenditures on research and development(GERD index), expressed in euro per inhabitant, incurred by statistical units concentrated in the sectors: businessenterprises, government, higher education, private non-profit organizations and jointly in all sectors in countriesmembers of the European Union. The level and dynamics of these expenditures are treated as an indirect measure of senior management’s involvement in creating R&D policy and efficient management in R&D phases; 2) anattempt to verify theses that R&D expenditures are variable and diversified in EU Member States, which indicates the lack of a rational R&D policy focused on the systematic generation of new knowledge materialized ininnovations providing customers the expected value in a systemic way; 3) developing models of innovative R&D activities management. To develop the article, research methods are used, such as: critical-cognitive analysis of literature, statistical-comparative analysis of Eurostat’s empirical secondary material, projection method. The levelof the GERD meter indicates a significant differentiation of R&D expenditure in individual sections of the analysis. The member states of the old EU had relatively higher outlays for this purpose compared to the new member states.
Wpływ potencjału kompetencyjnego zmian w szkolnictwie wyższym na szkolenie specjalistów dla przedsiębiorczości
Nataliya Vnukova, Professor
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Department of Banking and Financial Services
ave. Nauky, 9a, 61166, Kharkiv, Ukraine z ORCID 0000-0002-1354-4838
Svitlana Achkasova, PhD
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Department of Banking and Financial Services
ave. Nauky, 9a, 61166, Kharkiv, Ukraine z ORCID 0000-0001-7233-0189
Maryna Us, PhD
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Department of Economics and Marketing
ave. Nauky, 9a, 61166, Kharkiv, Ukraine z ORCID 0000-0002-4849-0331
Vasyl Pyvovarov, PhD
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Department of Cultural Studies
Vasiliy st. Pushkinskaya, 77, 61024, Kharkiv, Ukraine z ORCID 0000-0001-9642-3611
The paper presents the substantiation of the need to reform the higher education system of Ukraine in line with European and international standards and requirements, providing a full transition to competentive approach to learning. The essence and advantages of using competency potential for improvement of the higher education system in Ukraine are determined. A comprehensive marketing research are conducted, using the method of content analysis that helped to reveal the modern competencies needed for students and graduates of financial and legal specialties. In addition, a survey was conducted which showed that there were problems with the level and quality of the formation of professional and key competences.
Instrumenty zarządzania przyszłością
Nataliya Yudina, PhD
National Technical University of Ukraine „Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Industrial Marketing Department 1/37 Yangel st., b.8, of. 81, Kyiv, Ukraine z ORCID 0000-0002-1730-9341
The studies demonstrated that the sustainable development concept hadn’t hinged the justification on hopesbecause the previous crisis of the global economy was synchronous in almost all countries in the world. The innovative approach to management of the future and to forming a new concept of the humankind development is very important today. The hypothesis that in the future the culture instrument for management of human activitywill have to turn into a third component for a new correction of the humankind ideology in the association of the market and the hierarchy is proposed. The meaning of the humankind history learning is highlighted. But it is alsodemonstrated the difficulties for the people to learn the Big Data of historical information in details. The newapproach to the process of history learning at higher educational establishments is proposed, namely: to learn historical information by the reverse chronological order from the contemporary history step to the old ancient history, from the special to the general: from learning history of the native country to learning history of allcountries over the world. It places emphasis that under the conditions of the information chaos anyone might become the author (or several authors) of the global culture of the future as the main threat for the humankind.
Dyskusyjne kwestie wartości osobistych w kontekście harmonizacji standardów edukacyjnych Ukrainy i UE
Liudmyla Shulhina, Professor
National Technical University of Ukraine „Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Industrial Marketing Department Prospect Peremohy, 37, Kyiv 03056 , Ukraine z ORCID 0000-0001-9554-6185
Hanna Zhaldak, PhD
National Technical University of Ukraine „Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Management Department
Prospect Peremohy, 37, Kyiv 03056 , Ukraine z ORCID 0000-0003-3421-3648
The necessity and urgency of the gap reducing between the pace of technological and humanitarian development of society in order to prevent the risks caused by the insufficient level of training of users of modern technologiesis pointed out. The expediency of strengthening of the humanitarian component in the educational process issubstantiated. Based on the method of desk content research, some structural and substantive differencesbetween normative documents are illustrated, the positive influence of harmonization of legislation in the field ofeducation is shown, as well as the development of educational standards on the formulation of personality valuesin these documents. The group of moral and ethical characteristics of students and teachers of Ukraine and Polandwas evaluated. A relatively low level of presence of characteristics that make up the values of the representativesof the surveyed groups is established. Positive and negative dynamics of various indicators are revealed. A comparative evaluation of the studied characteristics between the representatives of Ukraine and Poland was carried out. An explanation of the identified differences is given.
Postawy konsumentów wobec innowacyjnej żywności z uwzględnieniem produktów funkcjonalnych — implikacje dla komunikacji marketingowej w zakresie oświadczeń żywieniowych i zdrowotnych
Krystyna Gutkowska Professor, PhD, DSc
Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW-WULS), Department of Food Market and Consumer Research, Institute of Human Nutrition Sciences, 159C Nowoursynowska Street, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland z ORCID 0000-0002-0873-8478
Jacek Czarnecki, PhD, Eng.
Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW-WULS), Department of Food Market and Consumer Research, Institute of Human Nutrition Sciences, 159C Nowoursynowska Street, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland z ORCID 0000-0002-3974-1602
In order to identify the attitudes of consumers towards innovative food products, including functional foods, qualitative research was carried out in 2019 to find out what are the components of these attitudes in relation toinnovative food, on the example of functional food, in the conditions of the growing global tendency to care forhealth and convenience. As a result of the research carried out using the focus group interview (FGI) methodology,it was found that innovative food is associated with a new taste or packaging, increased nutritional value, as well as health related attributes. Often, in studies, consumers also referred to the reduction or complete elimination of allergenic ingredients and other chemical ingredients, e.g. preservatives, flavor enhancers. Consumers accept these innovations in different ways, generally showing skepticism about “improving” food by enriching it withvarious ingredients, while positively referring to changes related to the reduction in the content of nutrients considered harmful to health, e.g. fat, sugar or salt. It was also noted that innovativeness treated as a personality trait is accompanied by such features as: openness, tolerance, optimism, life satisfaction, while people lackingtendency to accept innovation are usually pessimistic about the world, attached to tradition or thrifty. It was also noted that consumers similarly perceive innovative and functional food, indicating that functional products arefood with a specific health purpose, with a modified composition. The interviewees also indicated that it is possible to increase the interest of consumers in purchasing new food products or functional food through, interalia, well targeted marketing messages, and it is necessary to take into account the legal regulations regarding their wording when formulating them. This applies in particular to the possibility of using nutrition and health claims in the case of products enriched with ingredients with a declared health-related effect.
Ewolucja roli form komunikacji marketingowej w oddziaływaniu na zachowania zakupowe konsumentów na podstawie wyników badań ankietowych w latach 1995–2018
Krystyna Mazurek-Łopacińska, Professor
The Wroclaw University of Economics and Business 53-345 Wroclaw, ul. Komandorska 118/120, bud. B, Poland z ORCID 0000-0002-0034-8344
The purpose of the article is to present the extent to which consumers use modern and traditional forms of marketing communication about the market offer, depending on the characteristics of these consumers, as wellas to recognize the attitudes and market behavior of consumers under the influence these forms of communication, with particular emphasis on online advertising and social media. The basis of the analyzes are theresults of the own, nationwide, surveys carried out in 1995, 2001 and 2017/2018. The importance of online information sources in influencing consumer behavior has grown dynamically, but the role of reference groups asa source of information on offers is still relatively large. Despite the increase in critical attitudes towards advertising, it does not significantly reduce its effectiveness in influencing consumers, although the mechanismof this influence is changing, as the strength of the behavioral component of the attitudes studied, is greater compared to the emotional component. Moreover, according to the criterion of age and education, there are significant differences in attitudes and the use of online sources of information between consumer groups, butthese differences tend to decrease due to the growing rate of internet penetration. The generation Z’s susceptibility to advertising is relatively the greatest, not only in relation to ads broadcasted on the web, but also offline ads. Consumers from this generation are also more likely to engage in various types of social media activity in shaping the market offer.