eISSN 2353-8414, 2019, Vol. 31, Issue 1

Table of content:
- Conditions and directions of marketing activities in polish research institutes
Maślanka Marlena Elżbieta, - Information Needs of Trade Fair Visitors – a survey of the participants of KOMPOZYT-EXPO 2018 and FASTENER POLAND
Proszowska Anita, - Science – business relations in the opinion of university employees. Expectations versus reality.
Jacuński Michał, - The significance of direct contacts in the process of building relations with student candidates
Mruk-Tomczak Dobrosława, - The use of social media by young consumers in purchasing processes
Stachowiak-Krzyżan Magda, - The role of crisis prevention from the perspective of the biggest polish companies and public relations agencies on the basis of expert research
Szuba Przemysław, Tworzydło Dariusz, - Influencers as support for public relations campaigns
Tworzydło Dariusz, Wajda Marek, Życzyński Norbert, - E-marketing campaign for a university. Case study.
Miłoń Joanna, Tarczydło Beata, - The possibility of overcoming barriers in international cooperation in the area of R&D from the point of view of a research unit, based on the example of the Institute of Aviation
Wyka Sylwester,
Conditions and directions of marketing activities in polish research institutes
dr Marlena Elżbieta Maślanka
The offer of institutes is specific and requires the application of special solutions in the area of marketing and new economic conditions in which research institutes operate right now stimulate introducing new solutions and taking advantage of new directions in the area of marketing activity.
The influence of a continuous process of globalization on taking actions in the area of marketing constitutes a major research problem, which requires deepened, detailed analysis and carrying out research in this area. The goal of this article will be to find out to what extent new economic reality makes it necessary to take marketing actions and in what directions within the scope of this activity the research institutes should be going.
Information Needs of Trade Fair Visitors – a survey of the participants of KOMPOZYT-EXPO 2018 and FASTENER POLAND
dr inż. Anita Proszowska
The article presents the results of surveys concerning the information needs of people visiting trade fairs and the conditions for satisfying these needs on the example of the participants of KOMPOZYT-EXPO 2018 and FASTENER POLAND. The results of the surveys are preceded by an overview of literature describing the behaviours of people visiting trade fairs.
The surveys were conducted during the aforementioned fairs by means of a direct questionnaire. On the basis of 98 cases qualified for analysis it was concluded, among others, that visitors during fairs look mainly for information about novelties in a given branch, about the current situation of the branch. They also look for information of an educational character. Moreover, over a half of respondents declared that they don’t prepare for participation in fairs in any specific way and when they plan the sequence of visits to particular stands, they follow mainly the invitations from exhibitors (over 54%). Summing up their presence at fairs over 30% of respondents don’t use special indicators of assessment.
The described surveys, due to small size of the sample, are preliminary in character and refer to a narrow branch represented by respondents, that’s why verification based on a bigger group of respondents and representatives of other branches is required.
Science – business relations in the opinion of university employees. Expectations versus reality.
dr hab. Michał Jacuński
The aim of this article is finding out, based on the obtained empirical data from an opinion poll carried out among the employees of the University of Wrocław, in what way and in what scope cooperation with entrepreneurs (business) takes place on the individual level and on the level of a university. The obtained responses served the purpose of analysis and diagnosis of the level and potential of cooperation between the scientific-didactic personnel, including doctoral students and the economic environment. Key factors stimulating and hampering cooperation were defined. The intermediate goal was to find out, whether in light of the expressed opinions a university is still perceived as a place for carrying out goals typical of a 2nd generation, Humboldt-type university, or whether the features of a creative 3rd generation university can be seen. 3rd generation university is focused more on cooperation with the external environment and an exchange of resources. By means of the theory of rational choice two hypotheses were formulated and confirmed: first of all, university employees cooperate with entrepreneurs bypassing the university and the second thing is that cooperation with business is above all a source of individual benefits and is assessed as good. The survey was carried out among the employees of the University of Wrocław in the first half of 2018.
The significance of direct contacts in the process of building relations with student candidates
dr Dobrosława Mruk-Tomczak
In the second decade of the 21st century the graduates of high schools – student candidates – already belong to the next generation, called generation „Z”. This generation has been raised in the virtual world. Constant and unlimited access to the Internet leads to a situation in which it constitutes the most important communication channel and a source of information about the world surrounding them. Appreciating the significance of modern technologies and their role in building relations with student candidates, we can’t forget about the significance of direct contacts. For those facing the choice of university, which to a large extent may determine the kind of future professional career, communication in the virtual world, even though necessary, turns out to be insufficient. Meetings with candidates at universities, or high schools, lectures given by academic teachers to high school students, meetings with students, or other forms of direct contacts are still important elements of establishing and building relations with potential student candidates. The goal of this article is highlighting the significance of direct meetings in the process of establishing and building relations between a university and potential student candidates. To carry out the assumed goal a quantitative research on a group of high school students was carried out by means of the technique of auditorium questionnaire. On the basis of obtained results it was concluded that in the context of looking for information about the offer of universities young people from high schools expect direct meetings. What attracts particular attention are visits to universities, during which young people get the opportunity to participate in various activities. What turned out to be an important element of building direct relations were contacts with the students of a particular university. As the results of research have shown, it is worth engaging university students more often in the communication activities of universities.
The use of social media by young consumers in purchasing processes
dr inż. Magda Stachowiak-Krzyżan
The main purpose of the article is presenting the role of social media in the process of shaping the behaviours of young consumers in the context of utilization of chosen social media in the process of making purchasing decisions. The conducted research has shown that social media constitute an inseparable part of almost every decision-making process. The contents published in social media not only generate needs among young consumers, encouraging them to make unplanned purchases, but also constitute an important source of inspiration at the stage of looking for alternatives for satisfying their needs. Additionally, social media constitute a precious source of information about products and a place for expressing opinions and sharing purchasing experiences. The article presents a definition and classification of social media, as well as current data concerning young consumers as a market segment. In further part of the article the results of research concerning the influence of chosen social media portals on the behaviours of young consumers are presented on the basis of the example of fashion market.
The role of crisis prevention from the perspective of the biggest polish companies and public relations agencies on the basis of expert research
dr hab. Dariusz Tworzydło, mgr Przemysław Szuba
The article constitutes a presentation of the results of research devoted to the current trends in crisis PR. The authors of the work made an attempt to diagnose crisis prevention in a cross-section of two dimensions. On the one hand the perspective of business (survey of companies) was presented and on the other hand experts’ opinions (survey of the leaders of public relations agencies) were shown. As a result of analyses a point model of an immune system, which takes into consideration the key instruments of crisis methodology (developed procedures in form of communication management book, dedicated anti-crisis structures in an organization, crisis team with a fixed membership and a system of communication trainings) was designed. Diagnosis of prevention measures of the leaders of Polish business – based on the years 2007-2017 showed major deficiencies in the degree of companies’ preparation for the risk of crisis.
Influencers as support for public relations campaigns
dr hab. Dariusz Tworzydło, dr Norbert Życzyński, mgr Marek Wajda
The article is a collection of analyses carried out on the basis of literature on the subject and data collected with the utilization of desk research method. It also presents conclusions from surveys conducted by means of a qualitative method – IDI technique – during the Congress of Public Relations Professionals, which took place in April 2018 in Rzeszów. In the group of respondents there were representatives of public relations branch who cooperate with influencers and on top of that have rich experience in the area of PR activities conducted by means of the Internet. The goal of this article is assessment of the relationships occurring in the context of cooperation of PR specialists with influencers, as well as identifying the prospects for changes and potential trends in this area.
Among the key conclusions drawn in course of the conducted research we find the one which suggests that using influencers for communication and promotion-related activities is recognized as both a chance and threat for the public relations industry. However, the aspect of threats is particularly important, as it has a direct impact on the emerging and persisting image crises. Due to the fact that influencers enjoy a lot of freedom in their activity in combination with the faith of their clients in their professional approach, there is a risk of emergence of actions which will not just fail to satisfy the assumptions of a promotional campaign, but may also directly hit the image of a given entity.
Experts predict that using influencers for promotion will also in the nearest time be a growing trend, which will take hold among solutions used in communication with target groups..
- crisis management
E-marketing campaign for a university. Case study.
dr hab. Beata Tarczydło, mgr Joanna Miłoń
The subject of this work is an e-marketing campaign for a university from theoretical and practical perspective. Starting from a definition of e-marketing and the set of instruments used in e-marketing, the stages of implementation of e-marketing campaigns dedicated to entities from the sector of education will be discussed. Methodology of research for the purposes of the article covered literature studies, meta-analysis of available Internet sources and authors’ own qualitative research with the application of the methods of mystery client and case study. The object of the research is a private university and the subject of research are e-marketing activities, including identified campaigns, conducted for the university. The authors’ goal is to present an e-marketing campaign for a university in theory and practice. The purpose of the article is working out guidelines and recommendations for marketing specialists interested in efficient marketing activities on the Internet for the analyzed entities.
The possibility of overcoming barriers in international cooperation in the area of R&D from the point of view of a research unit, based on the example of the Institute of Aviation
mgr inż. Sylwester Wyka
The article presents the possibilities of overcoming barriers in international cooperation from the point of view of a research unit. The goal of the article is the presentation of good management practices in international cooperation in the area of R&D between the Institute of Aviation and General Electric, which reduce the level of uncertainty of cooperation. In the text the results of quantitative research concerning barriers for technological cooperation between Polish entities and foreign partners were used. Case study analysis revealed the possibility of reducing these barriers. Data for the case study were collected in interviews with the managers of both the Polish and the American partner. Partner cooperation between organizations brings mutual benefits and motivates the partners to pursue further development of cooperation and reduces the transaction costs resulting from cooperation in a sensitive area. Both organizations have worked out a series of good practices of international cooperation in the area of R&D, which can be used for overcoming barriers in establishing international R&D cooperation by Polish companies.