- eISSN 2353-8414
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The use of social media by young consumers in purchasing processes
dr inż. Magda Stachowiak-Krzyżan
The main purpose of the article is presenting the role of social media in the process of shaping the behaviours of young consumers in the context of utilization of chosen social media in the process of making purchasing decisions. The conducted research has shown that social media constitute an inseparable part of almost every decision-making process. The contents published in social media not only generate needs among young consumers, encouraging them to make unplanned purchases, but also constitute an important source of inspiration at the stage of looking for alternatives for satisfying their needs. Additionally, social media constitute a precious source of information about products and a place for expressing opinions and sharing purchasing experiences. The article presents a definition and classification of social media, as well as current data concerning young consumers as a market segment. In further part of the article the results of research concerning the influence of chosen social media portals on the behaviours of young consumers are presented on the basis of the example of fashion market.
DOI: 10.2478/minib-2019-0005
Kontakt: magda.stachowiak(at)ue.poznan.pl
MINIB, 2019, Vol. 31, Issue 1

The use of social media by young consumers in purchasing processes
dr inż. Magda Stachowiak-Krzyżan, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu, Polska – asystent w Katedrze Marketingu Produktu na Wydziale Towaroznawstwa Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu. Zainteresowania naukowe: zachowania konsumentów, marketing społecznościowy, komunikacja marketingowa oraz rynek odzieżowy w social media. Prowadzi zajęcia z Podstaw Marketingu, Zachowań konsumentów, Zarządzania Produktem i Marketingu usług.