eISSN 2353-8414, 2018, Vol. 29, Issue 3

Table of content:
- Networking of research institutes in some European countries
Barcikowska Renata, - Research fields in the area of planning and implementation of internal and external public relations activities
Tworzydło Dariusz, - Using crowdsourcing for research projects
Lisek Katarzyna, - The reasons of lack of young potential employees’ interest in an university as an employer and their changes in 2016-2018 years
Baruk Agnieszka Izabela, - Knowledge and innovations as factors of organizational development – an integrated approach
Baruk Jerzy, - Typology of young potential employees depending on reasons of their aversion toward an university as an employer
Baruk Agnieszka Izabela, Goliszek Anna, - The use of mobile applications in the marketing communication process by airlines
Szymczak Anna,
Networking of research institutes in some European countries
dr Renata Barcikowska
Analizując funkcjonowanie jednostek badawczo – rozwojowych w wybranych krajach europejskich należy odnieść się do prawno – organizacyjnych uwarunkowań ich działania w strukturach nauki w danym kraju. W ostatnich latach sieciowanie instytutów badawczych stało się trendem międzynarodowym, a w Polsce rozwiązaniem promowanym przez administrację rządową. Artykuł jest próbą przybliżenia działalności podobnych organizacji badawczych w Niemczech i Francji. Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie czytelnikowi rozwiązań organizacyjnych dotyczących instytutów badawczych we Francji i Niemczech. Metody badawcze zastosowane w artykule to analiza materiałów źródłowych, analiza porównawcza i dwa studia przypadku sieci Carnot i sieci Fraunhofera.
Research fields in the area of planning and implementation of internal and external public relations activities
dr hab. Dariusz Tworzydło
The article constitutes a presentation of the areas of research which can be used in course of planning and implementation of public relations activities in a company. Also, those which can be regarded as crucial and necessary have been highlighted. Research described in the article concerns to a large extent building image and relations with the representatives of a company’s environment. In the publication areas of research conducted by means of various techniques, e.g. CATI, CAWI have been presented. The material also presents a method which is supposed to systematize research projects. It makes it possible to use comprehensive data collected in a company in the decision-making process. The article also contains a presentation of analyses which are conducted in association with the process of preparing a company for potential image crises and carried out during and after the emergence of threats bearing the characteristics of an image crisis.
- communication tools
- research
Using crowdsourcing for research projects
Katarzyna Lisek
The phenomenon of crowdsourcing – enabling the crowd to get involved in the activities of an organization by means of new media (Estelles – Arolas, Gonzales – Lordon – de – Guevara, 2012) – is drawing the attention of research teams. It is successfully used by the biggest scientific centres both in case of life sciences and humanities. The following article is supposed to compare various strategies of applying this phenomenon to the creation and dissemination of knowledge. 40 crowdsourcing projects were subject to exploratory observation. Their description was based on the desk research analysis of Internet websites, applications and other Internet sources. On the basis of variables describing the ordered task, the character of the crowd, incentives built into the process and the method of providing answers an empirically rooted classification of the described projects was created. Its detailed description made it possible to highlight the ways research teams use crowdsourcing and to define the areas which the authors should take into consideration planning the utilization of this phenomenon in their work: connecting the kind of the offered task with the moment of the research process at which it is applied, defining the level of expertise necessary to carry out the task, building into the process appropriate incentives and choosing the appropriate method of verifying answers.
The reasons of lack of young potential employees’ interest in an university as an employer and their changes in 2016-2018 years
dr hab., prof. nadzw. Agnieszka Izabela Baruk
The article is theoretical-empirical in character. In the theoretical part on the basis of the results of cognitive-critical analysis of literature on the subject the chosen aspects associated with the role of the university as an employer and with the way universities can efficiently attract young people as potential employees are discussed. Attention was paid also to the necessity to apply complex image-related activities and to visible negligence in this area. The results of this analysis point to the existence of a cognitive and research gap. It is because the previous theoretical deliberations and empirical analyses conducted with regard to such activities refer to companies and not to universities. That’s why the article strives to achieve, among others, such goals as: identification of the reasons for the lack of interest in work at a university among the respondents; defining the changes in the reasons for the lack of interest in work at a university given by the respondents in the 2016-2018 period; hierarchical arrangement of the identified reasons. In the process of carrying out these goals an attempt was made to find answers to three research questions and to test the research hypothesis saying that sex is a feature differentiating the reasons for the lack of interest in work at a university mentioned by the respondents. In the empirical part of the article the results of an analysis of primary data collected by means of the method of questionnaire survey are presented. In course of the analysis the method of average assessment analysis and the Kruskal-Wallis test were used. The results of the analysis show that the significance of the reasons for the respondents’ unwillingness to start work at a university has changed. Also, their hierarchy has changed. Moreover, sex turned out to be the distinguishing feature in case of only one reason, namely, the will to use knowledge and skills gained during studies in a workplace other than a university.
Knowledge and innovations as factors of organizational development – an integrated approach
dr inż. Jerzy Baruk
Contemporary organizations function in a stormy and competitive environment, that’s why they have to look for efficient methods for own development. One of such methods is the systemic creation of facilitating and radical innovations, as well as implementing them in particular functional areas. Efficient creation of innovations treated as an important factor for the development of organizations, is determined by access to appropriate resources of knowledge. In the publication the author proposes a new concept of managing organizations which are focused on development. The essence of this concept is covering innovation management and knowledge management with one management system. This concept is enriched with some model solutions.
In this publication an attempt was made to achieve two goals: 1) cognitive goal, which involves highlighting: the essence of development of an organization; the essence of innovations and their role in the development of an organization; the essence of knowledge and its role in the creation of innovations; as well as mutual relations between knowledge, innovations and the development of an organization, 2) utilitarian goal, which involves proposing a few model solutions in the area of innovation management, knowledge management and an integrated approach to managing knowledge, innovations in the context of development of an organization. Managers by following these models can contribute to the rationalization of the information/decision-making processes focused on the development of an organization based on knowledge and innovations.
The goal of this publication is showing that between the elements of the proposed concept of management there are mutual cause and effect relations. Two research methods were used to prepare this article: cognitive-critical analysis of literature and the projective method.
Typology of young potential employees depending on reasons of their aversion toward an university as an employer
dr hab., prof. nadzw. Agnieszka Izabela Baruk, dr Anna Goliszek
The article is theoretical-empirical in character. For the preparation of the theoretical part the method of cognitive-critical analysis of literature on the subject from the area of marketing and management was used. On the basis of the results of this analysis it is possible to conclude that there is a cognitive and research gap with regard to the identification of the reasons for the lack of interest in the university as an employer. For the purpose of reducing these gaps, five research goals and a hypothesis were formulated. The hypothesis says that gender is a feature differentiating the reasons for the lack of will to start working at a university. For the purpose of achieving these targets and checking the research hypothesis empirical research was conducted. In course of the empirical research the method of questionnaire survey was used to collect primary data. The survey covered the representatives of the group of young, Polish, potential employees. The collected primary data was processed by means of statistical analysis and Kruskal-Willis test. The results of this analysis suggest that the respondents followed mainly negative associations with universities, relying on their own experiences and on external opinions. It turned out that gender was a differentiating feature to a statistically significant extent only in case of one reason, namely, the will to use knowledge acquired during studies in a workplace other than a university.
The use of mobile applications in the marketing communication process by airlines
mgr Anna Szymczak
The airline industry constitutes a challenge for marketing specialists due to high dynamics of provision of information. Airlines strive to communicate more and more effectively with the passenger. The specific character of the branch also constitutes a challenge for mobile application developers, who update them more often than applications of companies from other branches.
The goal of this article will be discussing the processes of building relations, efficient communication with clients on the market of passenger airline services using mobile applications. Up till now this problem hasn’t been the subject of both literature studies and empirical research. Source materials for the work will be available literature on the subject, own analyses based on secondary sources, as well as empirical studies conducted among passengers.