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Organizational network management – new quality in strategic management of research-development units
mgr Joanna Bilecka
Market organizations apply multi-channel communication with clients, analyse and use signals from the clients and their knowledge of their ecosystem to support the development of products and services. Leading companies manage relations with employees in a similar way. This is particularly beneficial in organizations employing knowledge-workers. Employees, carrying out their tasks, as a result of interaction with clients and internal limitations, along with formal organizational structure spontaneously create a “fast reaction” network. Thanks to the analysis of the network of internal relations and visualization of data in online platforms organizations can investigate the methods of work and cooperation of teams and employees’ behaviours. Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) is a new field, which provides strategic knowledge – about cooperation in an organization, the role of its units and particular employees, allocation of resources, relational potential and barriers for development. Visualization of the network of relations provided to employees online allows them to learn about the organization and carry out their tasks, providing them with, among others, information about persons with similar knowledge, or knowledge necessary for the employees, about cooperation of people and teams, flow of information, knowledge, decisions. The analysis of organizational networks serves the purpose of diagnosing an organization and conducting continuous HR processes, e.g. codification of knowledge, identification of talents, organization of trainings and development, it delivers data for the decision-making process and communication and knowledge management. Using the example of the Polish participatory platform „Mapa organizacji” (Organization map) the author shows how you can collect and use analytical data for the purpose of managing talents of an organization in an optimum way. The platform collects data concerning the formal structure such as: membership in an organizational unit, position, level in the hierarchy, reporting lines, experience, location of workplace. Every participant is asked about the relations of cooperation, flow of knowledge and/or decisions. Thanks to the analysis and visualization of this data, in a network you can highlight employees with various profiles e.g. sources of field knowledge, organizational and project talents, brokers of information, opinion leaders, or e.g. various styles of functioning of managers. Observing and measuring cooperation within teams and between them it is possible to plan and monitor the effects of activities facilitating communication and cooperation and to efficiently manage knowledge and change e.g. locating and breaking down silos. The application allows business owners and HR teams to conduct the processes of “soft HR” with the use of analytical data, among others: induction of new employees, launching internal mobility, recruitment and succession, identifying employees who could potentially drop out, internal trainers and mentors, organizing internal trainings, developing cooperation where it’s missing and reducing its excess, building communities of practice and project teams. Organizational network management makes it much easier for companies and heads of R&D departments to build a culture of openness and knowledge sharing, to develop creativity and innovativeness and improving the flexibility of the organization.
DOI: 10.14611/minib.27.03.2018.01
Kontakt: joanna(at)mapaorganizacji.pl
MINIB, 2018, Vol. 27, Issue 1

Organizational network management – new quality in strategic management of research-development units
mgr Joanna Bilecka, Network Perspective Sp. z o.o., Polska — konsultant narzędzia Mapa organizacji, facylitator, mediator. Z pasją używa innowacyjnych technologii w pracy nad relacjami, komunikacją, kulturą organizacyjną, efektywnością i rozwojem organizacji. Dwudziestoletnie doświadczenie w zarządzaniu zdobyła na stanowiskach menedżerskich w HR m.in. w Orange, E&Y, Banku Austria-Creditanstalt i w Grupie CreditAgricole. Jest inżynierem (materiały dla energetyki i lotnictwa), absolwentką Politechniki Warszawskiej i Szkoły Biznesu PW (Akademia Psychologii Przywództwa) oraz studiów podyplomowych w Akademii L. Koźmińskiego w Warszawie (Kompetencje pracowników) i Wszechnicy Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie (Facylitator organizacji). Prowadzi także działalność pod marką SERUM (www.serumhr.pl). Autorka artykułów z dziedziny zarządzania ludźmi i organizacją. Współzałożycielka think tanku HR Influencers, promuje zarządzanie oparte na wartościach.