- eISSN 2353-8414
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The 5I formula for successful staffing of scientific and research organizations
prof. William Bradley “Brad” Zehner II, Jacquelyn Anne Zehner
Scientists and engineers create the scientific and technological knowledge to generate societal and individual wealth and related economic growth. The article explores wealth creation, worldwide research and development (R&D) expenditures, US R&D expenditures by business, government, and academic organizations and economic sectors, and profiles the US science and technology workforce including recruiting and compensation costs. The process of recruiting scientists and engineers is profiled. Many technology based companies are currently using artificial intelligence algorithms to assess applicants’ technology knowledge and select the optimal job candidate. Are there non-technical personality traits which are equally important in recruiting scientists’ and engineers performance? What non-technical personality traits should a research and scientific organization assess to decide among position candidates? Five non-technical character traits to evaluate candidates in hiring decisions are intelligence, imagination, initiative, interpersonal skills, and integrity are explored. Specific questions to ask candidates are suggested to investigate each trait.
DOI: 10.14611/MINIB.30.12.2018.02
Kontakt: wbzehner(at)gmail.com, jazehner(at)gmail.com
MINIB, 2018, Vol. 30, Issue 4

The 5I formula for successful staffing of scientific and research organizations
prof. William Bradley “Brad” Zehner II, IC2 Institute, University of Texas, Austin, Teksas, Stany Zjednoczone – uzyskał tytuł PhD w zakresie kierownictwa wykonawczego i przywództwa w Peter F. Drucker School – Claremont Graduate University po ponad 20 latach pracy na globalnym stanowisku kierowniczym. Był wcześniej wicedyrektorem IC2 Institute, organizacji zajmującej się analizami i działaniem skupionymi na tworzeniu wartości na University of Texas w Austin, jak też dyrektorem wykonawczym programu MS in Science and Technology Commercialization Program – https://www.mccombs.utexas.edu/MSTC na University of Texas w Austin. Brad Zehner niedawno przeszedł na emeryturę po ponad 30 latach kariery akademickiej i jest członkiem IC2 Institute – na University of Texas w Austin
Jacquelyn Anne Zehner, Facebook, Austin, Teksas, Stany Zjednoczone – uzyskała tytuł BA z ekonomii i neuronauki komputerowej na Claremont McKenna College. Jacquelyn Zehner studiowała na Tsinghua University w Pekinie i prowadziła badania w Harvard Medical School. Jacquelyn Zehner obecnie pracuje dla firmy Facebook i często ocenia kandydatów do pracy i szkoli nowych pracowników firmy Facebook na całym świecie.