eISSN 2353-8414, 2020, Vol. 37, Issue 3

Table of content:
- Possibilities of brand promotion trough lifestyle mobile sports application
Jasiulewicz Anna, Waśkowski Zygmunt, - Groups on Facebook as a marketing tool
Lupa-Wójcik Iwona, - Online Marketing Communication of Polish National Art Museums in comparison to selected European Museums
Śmiałowicz Katarzyna, - The various models of marketingu audit
Hadrian Piotr, - Google Ads campaigns in promotional activities of theaters
Szymański Grzegorz,
Possibilities of brand promotion trough lifestyle mobile sports application
Anna Jasiulewicz, Ph.D.
Warsaw University of Life Sciences WULS, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Management,
Nowoursynowska Street 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland z ORCID 0000-0001-6190-5231
Zygmunt Waśkowski, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Poznan University of Economics and Business, Marketing Institute, Department of Marketing Strategies,
Al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875 Poznan, Poland z ORCID: 0000-0003-0793-3578
The objective of the article was to present the authors’ conceptual model of using lifestyle sports applications. Proposed model provides classification of lifestyle sports mobile applications types used by companies for brand promotion purposes and identification of ways in which companies can reach users through applications. The recognition of benefits that applications can provide to the enterprises and possible benefits associated with the presence of brands in the application for its user was also provided in the conceptual model. The second objective was to study the opinions of runners about the presence of brands in sports mobile applications on the basis of own quantitative research (n = 2434 questionnaires). The research results indicate that presence of commercial brands in the app is treated by their users as too invasive, therefore this communication tool should be used with moderate intensity. In spite of the fact that majority of sports applications users are reluctant to see brands in their apps, a significant proportion of them participate in the activities and challenges proposed by companies. According to the authors, lifestyle mobile applications could be promising marketing space for vendors, especially regarding the growing market of sports mobile apps users. However, companies should use more personalized, innovative and socially responsible approach to application users. Although the article uses the results of empirical research, it should be treated primarily as a signalling of a new research problem, which is the new brand communication channel with consumers. Thus, it is descriptive rather than exploratory.
Groups on Facebook as a marketing tool
Iwona Lupa-Wójcik, Ph.D.
Pedagogical University of Krakow, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Law, Administration and Economics,
Podchorążych Street 2, 30-084 Krakow, Poland z ORCID: 0000-0003-1673-7077
The aim of the article was to determine the use of Facebook groups as a marketing tool. The author conducted the research using a survey. To distribute the questionnaire author used a Facebook ad tool targeted at Polish women, who are planning a wedding or are shortly after it. Based on the example of the wedding industry, it was found that the content on these types of groups has large reach and generate high involvement of their participants. Members of Facebook wedding groups often take into account the recommendations they find on these groups when making wedding-related purchasing decisions. Companies often take advantage of this by using word of mouth marketing or direct sales (promotion). They can also create their own Facebook groups gathering the community around interests related to their activities. There is currently insufficient research on the possibilities of using Facebook groups as marketing tools. The article indicates various ways of using them to achieve marketing goals.
- Facebook groups
- wedding industry
Online Marketing Communication of Polish National Art Museums in comparison to selected European Museums
Katarzyna Śmiałowicz, MA
Poznan University of Economics, Department of Product Marketing,
Al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875 Poznan, Poland z ORCID: 0000-0003-4846-7139
The aim of the article is to present the results of the comparative analysis of online marketing communication in three national art museums in Poland and the comparable museums in European cities, that could serve as a model for the use of marketing communication on the Internet. Marketing communications on the Internet of selected museums have been compared in three categories: website usability and responsiveness — in this category the cognitive walkthrough method was used; online advertisements — in this category a survey, distributed by email had been used to collect information from people responsible for marketing communication in selected museums and the results of the survey were subject to comparative analysis; social media marketing — in order to determine how selected museums are using social media, a content analysis of museums’ profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube was conducted. The number and type of posts that museums posted during the month (July 1–31, 2019) and the number and type of collected responses were compared using the questionnaire. Based on the conducted analyses, basic problems related to the communication of Polish national museums online have been identified and recommendations for museums have been formulated.
The various models of marketingu audit
Piotr Hadrian, Ph.D.
Cracow University of Economics, College of Management Sciences and Quality, Institute of Management,
Rakowicka Street 27, 31-510 Krakow, Poland z ORCID: 0000-0003-0922-920X
This paper examines the problem of marketing control. The goal of the article is a scientific reflection on the model presentation of marketing audit. Review of the marketing literature on marketing audit presents various conceptual, structural or process models. Yet, these proposals did not play a role significant enough so that auditing would become a widely used marketing control tool. That is why, author presents an outline of the proprietary marketing audit model which (in conceptual and semantic approach), thanks to specifying the strategic nature of this control tool, can stimulate its popularization in marketing management practice. The conceptual model presents in an descriptive and graphic form the audit architecture, endogenous conditions (orientation, excellence, strategy, tactical and operational control), components of the audit activities and the planes of the assessment being carried out. The semantic model defines marketing audit as a logical and resulting system, which, by using the possibilities offered by specific control methods, allows for comprehensive, structured, regular, objective, independent and professional contextual assessment (preparation and implementation of marketing strategies). These models are a stimulus for discussion and further search for optimal ways of marketing control, both on a methodological and pragmatic level.
Google Ads campaigns in promotional activities of theaters
Grzegorz Szymański, Ph.D., D.Sc., Professor of the Lodz University of Technology
Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Production Engineering,
Piotrkowska Street 266, 90-924 Lodz, Poland z ORCID: 0000-0003-3179-1805
Although the pace of life is very high today, young people spend free time among applications and electronic devices, but theatrical performances are relatively popular nonetheless. Theaters to appeal to young people should use online tools as a basic form of advertising. One of the most popular forms of e-marketing is the search engine SEM. The research question was formulated in the form: do the theaters advertise in paid search results PPC? To answer this question, we analyzed the search results on Google, including AdWords ads, among Polish theaters for popular keywords. By analyzing the results obtained, it can be said that definitely theaters do not use PPC as an advertising tool. Among the popular keywords only 5 theaters were identified using this form, which represents less than 3% of all the theaters in Poland. The reasons for low popularity are the high costs and the lack of advertising due to the relatively large number of contemporary theater customers.
- Search Engine Marketing