- eISSN 2353-8414
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Research fields in the area of planning and implementation of internal and external public relations activities
dr hab. Dariusz Tworzydło
The article constitutes a presentation of the areas of research which can be used in course of planning and implementation of public relations activities in a company. Also, those which can be regarded as crucial and necessary have been highlighted. Research described in the article concerns to a large extent building image and relations with the representatives of a company’s environment. In the publication areas of research conducted by means of various techniques, e.g. CATI, CAWI have been presented. The material also presents a method which is supposed to systematize research projects. It makes it possible to use comprehensive data collected in a company in the decision-making process. The article also contains a presentation of analyses which are conducted in association with the process of preparing a company for potential image crises and carried out during and after the emergence of threats bearing the characteristics of an image crisis.
DOI: 10.14611/MINIB.29.09.2018.02
Kontakt: dariusz(at)tworzydlo.pl
MINIB, 2018, Vol. 29, Issue 3

Research fields in the area of planning and implementation of internal and external public relations activities
dr hab. Dariusz Tworzydło, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polska – kierownik Katedry Komunikacji Społecznej i Public Relations na Wydziale Dziennikarstwa Informacji i Bibliologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Prezes Zarządu Instytutu Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Informacyjnego oraz Exacto sp. z o.o. Autor ponad 230 publikacji naukowych, monografii, skryptów, artykułów oraz raportów badawczych. Były prezes zarządu Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Public Relations, a także członek Rady Etyki Public Relations. Doradca i konsultant.