eISSN 2353-8414, 2019, Vol. 33, Issue 3

Table of content:
- Financial aspects of research and development policy in the European Union
Baruk Jerzy, - Reasons of polish young potential employees’ interest in a university as the employer VR perceiving its employees
Baruk Agnieszka Izabela, - Will the use of virtual reality lead to a revolution in marketing communication?
Szymczak Anna, - Innovative behavior of the Poznań agglomeration inhabitants in the transport services market
Michalak Szymon, Sojkin Bogdan,
Financial aspects of research and development policy in the European Union
dr inż. Jerzy Baruk
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Polska
ORCID: 0000-0002-7515-0535
W artykule autor podjął próbę realizacji dwóch celów polegających na:
1) identyfikacji i krytycznej ocenie udziału wydatków na badania i rozwój (B+R) w produkcie krajowym brutto (PKB), ponoszonych przez podmioty gospodarcze skupione w czterech sektorach (przedsiębiorstw, rządowym, szkolnictwa wyższego i prywatnych instytucji niekomercyjnych) oraz łącznie we wszystkich sektorach. Analizą objęto średnie wyniki notowane w UE, a także w wybranych krajach członkowskich (w tym w Polsce) oraz w wybranych krajach pozaeuropejskich. Miernik ten traktowany jest jako pośrednia miara stopnia aktywności kadry kierowniczej w kształtowaniu polityki badawczo-rozwojowej na wszystkich szczeblach struktury zarządzania,
2) sprawdzeniu tezy, że wydatki na B+R są zmienne i zróżnicowane w poszczególnych państwach członkowskich i nie dają jednoznacznie pozytywnego obrazu systematycznego i dynamicznego wzrostu aktywności badawczo-rozwojowej w tych krajach.
Artykuł opracowano przy wykorzystaniu następujących metod badawczych: analizy krytyczno-poznawczej piśmiennictwa; analizy statystyczno-porównawczej wtórnego materiału empirycznego Eurostatu; projekcyjnej. Do sprawdzenia tezy wykorzystano analizę statystyczno-porównawczą wtórnego materiału empirycznego „Eurostatu”, obrazującego udział wydatków na badania i rozwój w produkcie krajowym brutto. Wyniki analizy potwierdziły słuszność postawionej tezy badawczej.
Reasons of polish young potential employees’ interest in a university as the employer VR perceiving its employees
prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Izabela Baruk
Politechnika Łódzka, Wydział Zarządzania i Inżynierii Produkcji, Katedra Systemów Zarządzania i Innowacji, Zakład Innowacji i Marketingu, Polska
ORCID 0000-0003-2864-509X
JEL kod: M31; M54
The article has a theoretical-empirical character. Its main goal was to identify reasons of young potential employees’ interest in working at a university. To prepare the theoretical part, the method of cognitive-critical analysis of world literature on marketing, management and HRM was applied. The results of this analysis show an existing cognitive gap and a research gap in the scope of considerations about reasons of interest of the mentioned group of employees in a university as the employer. Striving for reducing both gaps some empirical researches were conducted using the questionnaire method to gather the primary data. which were analyzed statistically using the method of exploratory factor analysis, Kruskal-Wallis test, etc. The obtained results made it possible to check three research hypotheses. The possibility to perform a satisfying job was not the key reason for the respondents’ interest in working at a university. The internal structure of reasons for the respondents’ interest in a university as the employer was different for the following two groups: 1/ people who think that university’s employees are perceived in Poland better than those who work in other organizations; 2/ people who think that university’s employees are perceived in Poland as well as those who work in other organizations. The way of perceiving employees of an university was a feature statistically significantly differentiating the reasons of the respondents’ interest in starting work at the university only in the case of high social prestige and high wages.
Will the use of virtual reality lead to a revolution in marketing communication?
mgr Anna Szymczak
Uniwersytet Łódzki, Polska
ORCID: 0000-0003-1882-8853
A contemporary consumer is a challenge for marketing specialists. The analysis of the conducted research shows that only a well-constructed marketing message, using new technologies will be a key element of effective marketing communication. There is a growing interest in the use of virtual and augmented reality on the market.
The aim of the work is to analyze the possibilities of using innovative tools, based on virtual and augmented reality in marketing communication. The source basis of the study is available literature on the subject, secondary sources, own analyzes and research and studies carried out by foreign research institutes.
The paper presents the results of authorial research carried out in 2018 using the CAPI method, as well as self-audit of marketing activities using VR and AR based on the SERVQUAL model. The results of the study indicate limited use of VR and AR. It should also be emphasized that these results are not representative, but point to a relationship that is worth exploring on a larger research group.
- 3D visualization
- augmented reality
Innovative behavior of the Poznań agglomeration inhabitants in the transport services market
prof. zw. dr hab. Bogdan Sojkin
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu, Polska
ORCID: 0000-0001-5468-8638
dr Szymon Michalak
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu, Polska
ORCID: 0000-0003-2874-7694
The development of information and communication technologies, including in particular the modern development of mobile technologies, has an undeniable impact on people’s lives and, consequently, on consumers’ market behaviour. The growing popularity and capabilities of mobile devices, as well as the increasing availability of mobile Internet access, mean that in many markets companies are redefining their business models, in which the activities conducted via the Internet play an increasingly important role. This is particularly visible on the market of individual and public transport services, where thanks to mobile devices, as well as in consistency with trends in consumer market behaviours and the development of cities in accordance with the smart city concept, for several years now we can observe the emergence of innovative alternatives to traditional forms of transport. The pace of appearance of product innovations on the market depends, of course, to a large extent on the level of acceptance of innovation by consumers. The aim of the article is to determine the degree of innovativeness of the inhabitants of the Poznań agglomeration in the use of transport solutions available in Poznań. The research part presents the results of own research conducted in 2019 on a sample of 795 respondents. They showed that the inhabitants of the Poznań agglomeration are not afraid to use product innovations on the market of transport services and use them to a greater extent than in the case of the general population.