1. Texts should be sent by e-mail to the following address: minib@ilot.lukasiewicz.gov.pl in standard Word settings: Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1.5, margins at 2.5.The length of the article cannot be smaller than 0.5 edition sheet (1 edition sheet = 40,000 characters with spaces or 3,000 cm2 of illustrations) and should not exceed 16 pages of typescript in A4 format.
  1. The submitted article should be saved in two formats: for editing as Microsoft Office Word 2007 or higher (docx or doc) and for checking as Adobe Acrobat Document (pdf).
  2. Photos, graphics, tables, charts should be attached in separate files in high resolution (not lower than 300 dpi). File names should correspond to references in the text.

The text should contain the following elements (in the order given):

  • Title in Polish and English,
  • surname and first name of the author (authors), affiliation (we provide from general to detail, along with address), e-mail address, ORCID number
  • an abstract specifying the theses presented in the article in Polish and English,
  • 5-7 keywords in Polish and English, JEL CODES (hyperlink: https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php?view=jel )
  • text (the article should be divided into logical, sequentially numbered chapters INTRODUCTION, METHOD, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, SUMMARY),
  • information on funding sources – possible acknowledgments and annotations as well as information on the contribution of other people, research units, associations, etc. to the publication – should be found at the end of the article.
  • References – footnotes according to APA standards,
  • a short biography of the author / authors’ biographies.
