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The volume and dynamics of domestic expenditures on research and development in the European Union
Jerzy Baruk, PhD, Eng.
Retired research and teaching staff member of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Management
Pl. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 5, 20-031 Lublin, Poland
jerzy.baruk@poczta.onet.pl z ORCID 0000-0002-7515-0535
In the article, whose construction is of theoretical and empirical nature, the author attempted to achieve thefollowing objectives: 1) identification and critical assessment of expenditures on research and development(GERD index), expressed in euro per inhabitant, incurred by statistical units concentrated in the sectors: businessenterprises, government, higher education, private non-profit organizations and jointly in all sectors in countriesmembers of the European Union. The level and dynamics of these expenditures are treated as an indirect measure of senior management’s involvement in creating R&D policy and efficient management in R&D phases; 2) anattempt to verify theses that R&D expenditures are variable and diversified in EU Member States, which indicates the lack of a rational R&D policy focused on the systematic generation of new knowledge materialized ininnovations providing customers the expected value in a systemic way; 3) developing models of innovative R&D activities management. To develop the article, research methods are used, such as: critical-cognitive analysis of literature, statistical-comparative analysis of Eurostat’s empirical secondary material, projection method. The levelof the GERD meter indicates a significant differentiation of R&D expenditure in individual sections of the analysis. The member states of the old EU had relatively higher outlays for this purpose compared to the new member states.
MINIB, 2020, Vol. 38, Issue 4
DOI: 10.2478/minib-2020-0025
P. 21-48
Published 30 December 2020

The volume and dynamics of domestic expenditures on research and development in the European Union
Jerzy Baruk, PhD, Eng., Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland — a retired academic ofthe Institute of Marketing and Management of the Faculty of Economics at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska Universityin Lublin. His research work focuses on the organisational and economic aspects of innovation activities, innovation management and management through innovation, as well as the impact of innovation on the efficient functioningof organisations. Knowledge management and the relationship between the management of knowledge andinnovation creation constitutes another area of his research work. Author of over 380 scientific publications on the broader aspects of innovation and knowledge management published in domestic and international scientific journals and conference materials. Author of four books and numerous other co-authored publications. He has also presented the results of his scholarly work and research at many domestic and international conferences. A fellow of thefollowing learned organisations: Scientific Society of Organization and Management; Polish Association for Production Management; “Taures” Economic Initiative Enterprise in Warsaw; Lublin Scientific Society; Polish Praxeological Society; University — Industry — Science Partnership; Polish UNISPAR Working Group Society; Innovative Entrepreneurs’ Club at the Lublin Development Foundation. Advisor in the Lublin Branch of the Scientific Society for Organization and Management as well as the “Taures” Economic Initiative Enterprise in Warsaw.