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Managing instruments of the future
Nataliya Yudina, PhD
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Industrial Marketing Department 1/37 Yangel st., b.8, of. 81, Kyiv, Ukraine
Nataly.Yudina@meta.ua z ORCID 0000-0002-1730-9341
The studies demonstrated that the sustainable development concept hadn’t hinged the justification on hopesbecause the previous crisis of the global economy was synchronous in almost all countries in the world. The innovative approach to management of the future and to forming a new concept of the humankind development is very important today. The hypothesis that in the future the culture instrument for management of human activitywill have to turn into a third component for a new correction of the humankind ideology in the association of the market and the hierarchy is proposed. The meaning of the humankind history learning is highlighted. But it is alsodemonstrated the difficulties for the people to learn the Big Data of historical information in details. The newapproach to the process of history learning at higher educational establishments is proposed, namely: to learn historical information by the reverse chronological order from the contemporary history step to the old ancient history, from the special to the general: from learning history of the native country to learning history of allcountries over the world. It places emphasis that under the conditions of the information chaos anyone might become the author (or several authors) of the global culture of the future as the main threat for the humankind.
MINIB, 2020, Vol. 38, Issue 4
DOI: 10.2478/minib-2020-0027
P. 69-88
Published 30 December 2020

Managing instruments of the future
Nataliya Yudina, PhD, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv PolytechnicInstitute”, Industrial Marketing Department, Ukraine — the Laureate of the President of Ukraine Prize for young scientists, scientific degree of PhD in Economics, an academic rank of Associate professor with thefour higher education degrees, a two-time winner of the “Young lecturer and researcher of the NTUU KPI”contest, a grant-holder of the Kyiv City State Administration Head, a winner of the All-Ukrainian Young Teachers Contest by Philip Kotler, Associate professor of the Industrial Marketing Department of the Management and Marketing Faculty at National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, a founder of the group of the companies Factory of Decisions “Scarlet Sails”, the author and the developer of distance e-learning courses of the Nonfiction-publisher “Futurolog”(http://futurolog.com.ua), an author of more than 250 publications. More details read http://futurolog.com.ua/yudina/